Industries / Electrical + Electronics

Whether you have created a new robotic device, computer hardware, communication devices, or other type of electronic, this industry moves fast enough that if you do not patent your work, someone will copy it and ruin your advantage in the commercial market.
Alternately, a large portion of patent work for electronics is involved in licensing the electronics to other entities, or performing the necessary legwork for a transaction involving intellectual property. We can perform title searches and lien searches to make sure that the intellectual property issues of the transaction are addressed to allow for a successful transaction.
Different electronics come from different fields, and our team at Ference & Associates are cognizant of the nuances that can come with each specialty. Our firm’s skills at crafting patent applications that provide the ideal protection for your electronic device.
The field of electronic and electrical devices is fast-paced and quickly evolving. It’s imperative that once you develop your invention, you contact an attorney focused on intellectual property so they can construct a legal strategy that will keep competitors from stealing your idea.
Electronic technology is evolving fast. The immense growth of capabilities of this area of technology from year to year means that this is one of the most frequently patented areas. Ference & Associates understands the wide range of legal issues that faces inventors, scientists, and researchers. We are always there to make sure that your interests are protected.